Saturday 16 May 2015

Two Days of Scent Hurdle

Just because we're working to get Ahab's eligibility to race re-established doesn't mean I'm not still active with my Scent Hurdle team. On Friday I boxloaded after work and today I ran a friend's dog.

When I arrived on Friday the racing was well underway because they'd been able to start early. I wasn't able to leave work early so I got there about half way through, the first thing I noticed though was this:

One of my teammates had these buttons made up to drum up support for changing the rules so he can race again. I almost cried when I saw it; it's so very nice to see support for Ahab to run again. We handed out several to people at the tournament, one other team even took some for their whole team. Amazing.

Today I ran Digger for a friend.

She's a 12 year old miniature schnauzer. She still loves to play Scent Hurdle despite her age. One of my friend's other dogs ran in a race only a couple months before she tragically died at age 13, sure hope Digger can keep going for a long while yet. The leg in the background is another miniature schnauzer, Cuda.


Spent most of the day working on socks, first while watching Vera and later at the Scent Hurdle tournament. We were initially told that Scent Hurdle would be able to start at about 4pm so I arrived at about 10 to and found out that it would be at least an hour before we'd be able to start. In the end we started at about 7pm, and didn't finish until 9pm. But because I ended up sitting around at the obedience ring for 3 hours I got a lot done on my Father's Day socks. No picture because I'm too lazy to go upstairs and get one. I'm about half way done the first sock now.

Also started the i-cord on my grey tank top but only manged to get about three rows done. Why is the end always the hardest part?

For the record it poured rain all day and was snowing as I headed home from Scent Hurdle.

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