So, here is an update on everything currently on my needles.
Urgh. These socks are going nowhere rapidly. There's nothing wrong with them; I think the problem is that I've gotten into a new series of books, the Seaside Knitters Society Mysteries, and that's what I've been doing on my lunch break at work instead of knitting socks. Unfortunately the library doesn't carry most of this series as ebooks and I find reading a pbook harder to do while knitting; they can be hard to prop up and keep open without holding on. I don't blame the library for this situation; I blame the publishers who've made ebooks so difficult for libraries. But that's another rant entirely.
A lovely cotton/acrylic blend for a nice light weight sweater. I've already done two other sweaters using this yarn so maybe that's why this one is struggling. It's at the stage of being a good TV watching project but I have other TV projects so it gets hard to choose. It will come, just slowly.
A wool sport weight sweater, I originally planned this to be a hoodie but I'm not sure I won't change my mind at the last minute. So close to finishing the yoke and starting the sleeves. Also good TV watching.
I suck at drawing so I decided to embrace that fact and chart a primitive drawing of a bunny then knit it up in double knitting. I think it actually came out kind of cute. This will now be a slog to the end making all those checks in the checkerboard pattern. More TV watching but only shows you don't need to watch too carefully as I need to look down quite a bit when double knitting. Maybe I should try and find a podcast to listen to or something. Any recommendations?
I'm experimenting with the idea of knitting a t-shirt that will actually be a t-shirt. Possibly futile I know but I decided to try anyway. The yarn is a very light fingering weight, almost lace weight, cotton/linen blend. It feels a little rough while knitting it but the gauge swatch softened up immediately after getting wet once. Which, as I understand it, is what linen is supposed to do. And you guessed it; an excellent TV watching project at this stage.
And because all my other projects currently under way are long and slow I reached into my stash and cast on for a quick baby blanket. One day I have got to get an Etsy shop setup or something as I'm accumulating rather a lot of these lovely little blankets. Yes, yes I could have worked on the socks and got something done right away for the instant gratification factor. Your point?
I have a few other projects lying around but they're all in a time-out right now. Some because they may not work out and some because I just need a break.
Seems to have adjusted happily to being the only dog. Dogs tend to be very quick to recover when they loose someone. There is a lesson for us humans about living in the moment right there.
Current Weather
11C and cloudy. It's been up and down all summer, a couple days in the mid twenties and then back into the teens. I use the term "summer" loosely.
I had a birthday over the long weekend (the first Monday in August is a holiday here) so I am now one year older than when I last blogged.
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