Saturday 28 May 2016


Poor Squish isn't doing too well right now. His thyroid packed it in spring of 2015 and now he's having problems making it to the litterbox. Off to the vet we went and the urine test shows he's not concentrating his urine. This could mean renal failure; his kidneys are not working right.

Took him in again today to have blood taken to confirm if this is the case. The vet techs told me he was really good, right up until he'd had enough of being poked and prodded. Can't say I blame him for getting tired of being poked.

Here's hoping this is treatable.

One cute Squishy.
Started a new cotton sweater, I need more indoor/summer sweaters. The fabric was coming out too stiff though so I had to frog the sleeves. Oh, well; starting with the sleeves means I can use them as a gauge swatch. This one is worsted weight so it'll go much faster than Hazelnut.

Hazelnut continues. Knitting fingering weight sweaters does take some time. I plan to do several over the next months/weeks/years so I have lots to choose from.

Current Weather
Partly cloudy, 15C.

Rained a bit early in the afternoon but then cleared up again. I was expecting more rain this evening but so far no signs.

Took the boys for a nice walk this afternoon. They enjoyed it for sure.

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