Sunday, 24 November 2019

Weekly WIP Update

I debated not posting today, not due to lack of progress per se, but do to lack of interesting or visible progress on any one project. Nothing really advanced enough to be worth a picture.

Hang on, maybe the socks did. Here:

Turned the first heel. I'm annoyed with this yarn as I found a break in it. It doesn't seem to matter how much or little you spend on yarn there is always the risk of a knot.

The black sweater gained most of an arm but I'm not sure I'm happy with it. The decreases seemed to go too fast and the sleeve is tighter at the end than I would like. I'm trying to decide if I'll rip back to the start of the decreases and try again so I'm not taking pics yet.

All the other projects on the go either only got a row or two added or are at the point where a lot of stockinette stitch needs to be done before you can see anything interesting happen.

Current Weather
2C and mostly cloudy. Most of the last snowfall has melted but we're supposed to get snow again in a few days.

The CN rail strike has farmers worrying that they won't be able to get the last of their crops off the field and to market. And by "the last of their crops" I mean the vast majority of their crops since everything is buried under snow thanks to an early winter. (See, it's sort of weather related.....)

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