Tuesday, 3 September 2019

WIP Update

Late, I know; my excuse is that I was camping last weekend. Which turned out to be a bit of a bust as it was cold and showering so we mostly stayed inside the trailer with the heat on. There was some socializing and a trip to Pasu Farm so it was not a complete loss. I got a wool filled comforter for Christmas but I'm allowed to start using it now.


With the Winter Blue Hoodie now complete I have been able to focus on a few other things. First, the Checkers Blanket has gotten longer.

And I split Celestial to begin the back of the yoke.

The gauge swatches keep lying to me about the Red T-Shirt, so far I've knit three with different sized needles because the fabric wasn't right once I knit a few centimeters of the actual project and none of them gave me the right numbers in the first place. I have now cast on one final (fourth) time (I sincerely hope) and I think I've finally have the numbers right. I didn't take a picture as it actually looks like a step, or possibly many steps, backwards.

Progress was also made on the Bunny Blanket but not enough to justify another picture yet.

No sock progress at all. I've lost my sock mojo. It's always been temporary in the past so I have hope for it to return. I guess I have too much sweater mojo right now.

Current Weather
24C and mostly cloudy. Of course it's nice the day after the long weekend.

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