Tuesday, 12 May 2015

All Together Again

Mom and Dad got home from Scotland this afternoon, jet-lagged but safe and sound. All the pets are delighted to have more hands to pet them. Mouse even sat on Dad for half an hour this afternoon I'm told. Squish and Soccer are all over everyone expressing their happiness that everyone is home again. It's very annoying but very cute. And the somber Ahab even cracked a smile. Twice.


Mom tells me she wore her new sweater so much in Scotland that it already needs washing. So pleased she likes it, there is no greater compliment you can pay to someone who made you something that is meant to be used than to USE it. If you wear it out even better.

Started a pair of Father's Day Socks for Dad. Good old basic black. I think this is actually the first time I've made him black socks; grey was the closed I've come before. I did a pair with many shades of blue once; that was seriously pushing the envelope.

There might have been a trip to the LYS to get the yarn for Dad's socks and it's just possible a couple other balls landed in my stash. But since sock yarn doesn't count we don't have to talk about it.

Work continued on the second set of baby overalls, now joined in the round for the body. That's Squish photo bombing the background. Does it count as a photo bomb if the photographer is just too lazy to move the cat?

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