Squish crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning after suffering what appeared to be a stroke on Monday, by Wednesday it was clear he wasn't going to recover. He had also been suffering from thyroid failure for a couple of years and his kidneys had started to fail about 6 months ago. He was one week shy of his 16th birthday.
Four months before passing |
Three months before passing, still looking healthy |
Squish is the only cat I know of who ever got caught with both front feet in a lasagna pan while he drank the sauce. When I yelled at him he went racing across the kitchen floor leaving a trail of orange paw prints behind him. He had orange paws for a week. Tragically, I don't have any pictures of this incident as it occurred before cameras on cell phones where a thing. In fact, cell phones where still really expensive at the time and all they did was text and make phone calls. And my camera was still packed from moving.
Chowing down, Squish always got the top spot |
He loved to sit on my Dad in the evenings. As a kitten he could purr so loudly he'd almost drown out the TV, although in later years he quieted his purr quite a bit.
Chilling with Dad |
Writing this was especially hard because Squish is no longer here to sit in my lap and help me type. Miss you my feline.