Went to
The Knitting Room today to see about some yarn for my Nephew's socks, he's asked for "green with maybe purple". Very metro. Not that I told him that, I wouldn't want to discourage a love of bright colours especially in a nearly tween boy. I did succeed in finding both green and purple so I'm set there.
I also found a lot of other lovely yarn so I treated myself for Christmas, in fact I purchased yarn for a total of five more pairs of socks and only one of those might be for me. You know you love knitting when you consider purchasing a load of yarn, almost none of it destined to be worn by yourself, and consider it a Christmas gift to yourself. Naturally, I didn't think to take group picture before storing it all away. I did however take individual shots for Ravelry, not posting all the individual pics here though.
Made excellent progress on Dad's socks over the past few days. In fact I've finished the first sock already. Considering how slowly the last two pairs have gone I'm thinking I might have my sock mojo back. Here's hoping anyway. Of course, this does mean that I've knitted pretty much nothing else lately. It's a balancing act. I really miss commuting to work via transit; I got so much sock knitting done on the train. Sigh. I'm off work until next year now so I have great plans for a sock knitting/Netflix marathon.
And just in case I'm not back before December 25:
Current Weather
-5C and snowing. It's been snowing all day.