Ahab did extremely well yesterday at
Scent Hurdle. He struggled in his first couple of races and I had to go with him to the box to remind him of what he needed to do. So we took a break for a couple of races. Then we tried again near the end of the morning tournament and this time he did it! So proud of my boy.
In the afternoon we ran with a different team because my team only wanted to enter for the morning but I wanted to get some more exposure for Ahab and run in the afternoon too. Another team was willing to take the risk on a green dog so this time he was racing with dogs he didn't know and he still did awesome. He even had another dog cross into his lane which threw him off a bit but other than keeping a close eye on the dog in the other lane on his next run he was fine. I don't have any video because I was so busy with Ahab and I never thought to ask someone else to take some for me. I never thought to take pictures either. Ah, well; next time.
I don't think he earned his Scent Hurdle Dog (SHD) title because we just weren't fast enough to get 10 points in each run. He needs 50 points to earn that first title and he had 10 from last year before he had to stop running until the rules were changed to allow him to run again. I think he earned another 20 yesterday, we had a lot of runs that I'm pretty sure took too long to earn any points. I could be wrong though so I'll wait until the Statistician has posted the official results to be sure. But he took some big steps towards earning that title and I couldn't be happier with how he did. In any event points, titles, and such are for the human; all he cares about is that I was really happy about what he did on the race course.
And the buffet that was the floor; he cared about that a lot. We were racing in a horse barn so there were traces of horse poo in the dirt. He thought it was a great smorgasbord. Urgh, poo-eating hound. Fortunately Garbage Guts didn't get sick.
After getting home from Scent Hurdling |
In other dog news, Soccer behaved himself when Mom took him for a walk. It was clearly a good dog day.
With all the Scent Hurdling yesterday all I manged to knit was another fish for the Fishie Blankie. I was pretty tired when I got home.
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